Postnatal Massage
The birth of your baby, and your journey as parents begins. At no other time in life do we have such enormous changes to every aspect of our lives.
The joy of motherhood brings with it a need to be supported, as you transition into your new role, you learn to nurture, feed and protect your newborn baby. Women need to recover from birthing their baby, optimal recovery is supported by postnatal massage as you get to know your newborn and your role as mother.
Postnatal Relaxation massage is a way to ease the muscular strain not only from labour, it also assists the rebalancing of the body’s muscular system. Positioning and comfort are important as a new mother adjusts to the demands placed on her body as she nurtures her baby with breastfeeding, swaddling during this fourth trimester.
During this time new families will be under the care of midwives and their doctors, depending on their situation. The enormous postpartum changes are physiological, emotional and, psychological. Self-care during this intensely demanding time of disturbed sleep, hormonal changes and, adjustment to parenting is critically important.